5 Benefits of Dry Brushing

Start Your Day with Dry Brushing

Morning routines can set the stag for the rest of our day. I have a morning routine that helps me face the day with a positive mental attitude, not to mention the added health benefits. 

The first thing I do before my morning shower is dry brush myself.

So what is Dry Brushing anyways?

Dry Brushing is just as it sounds, brushing the body with a dry natural fiber brush. There are many benefits to incorporating this practice into your daily routine. 

Benefits of Dry Brushing

  1. Stimulate the lymphatic system The lymphatic system s responsible for destroying wastes, pathogens, and toxins. Dry Brushing helps stimulate the lymphatic system to increase the drainage of unwanted waste and toxins.

  2. Increases circulation Dry brushing helps increase circulation and blood flow. Increased circulation helps the lymphatic system remove waste back into the bloodstream for elimination.

  3. Removes toxins from the body Stimulating the lymphatic system and increasing circulation can help rid the body of toxins. Dry Brushing also stimulates the pores to support the removal of unwanted toxins through our skin.

  4. Exfoliates the skin Dry brushing helps to exfoliate the skin by removing dead skin cells.

  5. Reduces cellulite Dry brushing can help reduce the appearance of cellulite due to its gentle massaging action.

How to dry brush?

  1. Dry Brushing is best done before showering.

  2. The body should be completely dry.

  3. Use a dry natural bristle brush. (I like a dry brush with a long handle.)

  4. Starting at the feet, begin brushing up the body towards the heart.

  5. Then move to your hands and brush up your arm towards your armpits.

  6. You can brush in long strokes or a small circular motion.

  7. Once you have brushed your entire body, take a shower.

  8. Avoid brushing if you open wounds or skin irritations.

How to Incorporate Dry Brushing into Your Morning Routine?

Who has time to dry brush every morning? Anyone can do dry Brushing very quickly. I keep my dry brush hanging in my bathroom near my shower and can brush my entire body in the time it takes my shower water to heat up.  

Dry Brushing is a great way to start your morning with incredible health benefits.  

Read my following morning routine here. 


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